Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Your Kingdom Come

Matthew 6:10 - Jesus teaches us to pray:
"your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven"

Today I have to think about what this really means. I have heard Christians praying that John McCain win the election with the assumption that he is God's preferred candidate. I have heard of vile e-mails being sent that portray Barack Obama as evil. I have also heard Christians praying that Obama win and statements vilifying McCain.

I will pray for these men that they hold up well under stress today, that they will be loving and faithful husbands, that they will be strong fathers. But I don't think that Jesus would pray for one person to be elected over another. Jesus isn't thinking about one party versus another or one person versus another. Jesus is desperate to show people the in-breaking of the kingdom of God into a hurting world.

Jesus wants us to bring the kingdom of heaven to earth.

I don't think it really matters who rules the 'kingdom' of this country. What matters is if the kingdom of God is being made manifest.


Luke Coles said...

Thank you Ike. Good words to live by.

Paul Ford said...

Good thoughts and great clarity on this wild, crazy, and exhausting day - for some. In fact, the line that drives me crazy is the one that says, "You're just not a good Christian if you don't get out and vote today."

Cheryl Russell said...

Great thoughts James.

Luke Coles said...

Sorry James. I didn't read who wrote this. Great Job.